
Outline of the UE legislation in the field of nuclear industry

Generally specific nuclear legislation of European Community does not exist. However there are law instruments that can be used in the area of nuclear industry and therefore they can be included to broad concept of nuclear law. [147] The solution that is quite innovative is that nuclear problems concerning the European Union are solved in the community. It is called the European Atomic Energy Community, shortly EUROATOM. It was established with Euroatom Treaty of 25 March 1957. The Treaty has the rank similar to The Treaty establishing European Community and is the "primary legislation". [148]. It provides the basis for implementation of regulations and directives. They are "secondary legislation". Regulations are higher level document over directives, and are directly applicable in Member States (without national legislation implementation). Directives are not directly applicable and need to be consistent with national law. However, not EU law have to be adapted but directive have to be implemented in national law.

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